With over 20 years experience successfully supplying the lighting industry we pride ourselves on our ability & commitment to provide the very best lighting for every application. Our qualified and experienced lighting consultants have a wealth of knowledge and understanding in every sector. From our numerous manufacturing plants throughout the UK and representation of key lighting companies across the UK and Europe we provide a complete range of products, from our contractor range we supply through the electrical wholesale channels to high end specification luminaires for projects.
Our D&B contract team that specialise in fast track design & build contracts work in partnership with contractors and designers to provide a complete, impartial and cost effective lighting solution. We have a proven track record for continually achieving our client’s goals.
Diligent operate to a very high standard and have ISO9001, ISO14001 & ISO18001 accreditation. We have earned ourselves an enviable reputation for our professional, knowledgeable & diligent approach. We are forging a name for ourselves as the No.1 independent lighting company in the UK.
Our commitment to ISO14001 means we are very conscious of environment impacts and take a proactive approach in sourcing and producing the very latest LED, low carbon and energy efficient lighting on the market.
You can be assured of the best product, great service and our commitment to ongoing support throughout and after your project.
Let us work with you and see why Diligent are the premier choice lighting partner.
T: +44 (0) 118 973 4441
F: +44 (0) 118 919 7766
E: info@diligentlighting.com
W: www.diligentlighting.com